The Cask of Amontillado tells a horrific tale of revenge on a local noble. It is set in Italy during Carnival. The festival is supposed to be the perfect time for the narrator to commit his murder because Fortunato would be drunk during the festivities. I believe that Poe's choice of wording was not as descriptive of the environment as it was of the character's emotions. Poe never sets up this beautiful Italian cultural scene; instead he focuses more on the brutality of Montresor intentions. Poe's sentences tended to be very mysterious, especially in the beginning. We go through the entire story without ever knowing the exact reason why Montresor wants to murder Fortunato other than that he insulted him. Montresor's method of murder was extremely brutal and cruel. The fact that the reader does not know the circumstances of the "thousands of insults" Montresor suffered from, it is impossible to understand why he would do such a terrible thing to Fortunato. Overall, the story was thoroughly entertaining and the author did a great job using mystery as a way to make the plot seem even crueler.
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